rental licensing

NEW: City of Frederick Rental Registration and Licensing Law

Starting January 1, 2024, landlords who own rental properties in the City of Frederick will be required to hold a valid rental license. The fee will be $240.00 and the license will be valid for a period of two years. In preparation for the upcoming requirement, the City has developed an online portal for landlords to register rental properties to prepare for the launch of the Rental Licensing Ordinance, an initiative aimed at ensuring safe housing for all renters in Frederick. Under the Rental Licensing Ordinance, rental units are mandated to meet specific standards, ensuring the safety, health, and comfort ...

Baltimore City Rental Property Registration and Licensing Law

Non owner-occupied properties in Baltimore City are required to be registered with the City. Also, non owner-occupied rental properties also have to be inspected and licensed, in addition to the registration requirement. Baltimore's licensing law went into effect in 2018, and applies to single-family homes as well as multifamily properties (apartments), rental condos, etc. A Baltimore City landlord cannot charge or collect rent for a property that is not inspected and licensed. Please go here to download the sections of Baltimore City Code that cover registration, licensing, and inspections. (This link will open a PDF file). For more information on ...

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